Breakfast in our house consists of toast, waffles, pancakes or cereal. Many of my gluten free bread disasters have been relegated to toast, because even if it does not turn out to be suitable for sandwiches, it is perfect for toasting amongst other things.
Cereal became a bit of an obsession with us, because so many supermarket cereals contained hidden glutens in the form of malt extract and so forth - and many were poorly labled to illustrate that fact. The most interesting that could be found was one or two brands of organic cornflakes. If you have smaller children on gluten free diets, you really want to offer something a little different - and they want that too, let's face it. The availability of gluten free cereals is still poor, even in health food shops, but if you know where to look, there are one or two places that sell something for the kids (or for the part of you that craves childrens cereals!)
We have tried most of what is available - and this is a small selection:
The 'Envirokidz' line of cereals is excellent. Nothing boring here, and their products are available both in the UK and the US.
Gorilla munch - little balls of corn puffs, sweetened with syrup. Delicious, the kids loved them. Easily as nice as any of the usual brands of forbidden cereals found on the supermarket shelves.
Koala Crisp - the Gluten free answer to cocoa pops! Rice cereal covered in cocoa, with all of the taste and Snap! Crackle! Pop!
I have found both cereals readily available in Waitrose. Unfortunately, our old outlet, Boots stopped stocking it.
Kallo do a nice simple, yet delicious range of gluten free products, amongst which are the puffed rice cereals, which come in 'Natural' unsweetened and Honey coated. This is a family favourite. We have found however, that healthfood shops tend to sell the honey coated at extortionate prices, you are going to get this cereal much cheaper in Sainsbury or Asda/ Walmart. For the kids, if you find it difficult to get the Envirokidz Cocoa pops, you can simply add chocolate milk to these. Actually, they prefer the Kallo cereal with chocolate milk on anyway (which is good for me as it is easier to source)
I have had fun thinking of new ideas when I am either budgeting or fund it difficult to find our usual brands. One which is alot of fun is to simply make some popcorn, sweeten it with a little demarara sugar and cinnamon and pour milk over for a deliciously different breakfast. The kids love it (and so do I!) Also, making up batches of your own meusli is good for a change, and making your own 'porridge' with Millet or rice flakes works very well for a hot cereal on a cold winters morning.
1 comment:
Gluten free Guru, you have some sound advice here and I would like to talk to you about linking to your site. Can't see at first glance how to contact you so could you contact me on lesley.cutts@goodnessdirect.co.uk. Thanks Lesely
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